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These are mostly serious stuff. Reviews. Comments. Analysis. And lots of thoughts on stuff. I would love to read your comments. Happy reading!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Life's choices

It is said that our destinies have already been written. Others argue that our destiny depends on our choices.

Both, I believe, are true.

Imagine our destinies to be highways that start from one point and lead to different places. The point of origin is our birth. The end points are our possible fates. Our decisions are changes in the routes that we take.

From that time until were are able to make small decisions for ourselves, like to eat the cookie or not, our paths are influenced by those around us. If represented by a highway, these are paths that follow the shape of the land -- winding roads, zigzagging roads, and those that follow the river.

Later on, we begin to make bigger decisions based on how we are influenced by our parents. And a parent's influence to its child is strong. This can be represented by forks on the road that split the journey based on land masses and bodies of water.

As we grow older, the decisions we make become more complicated and can be compared to streets with growing number of intersections.

And so it is written...