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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Newbie in media relations

Just last May, my boss assigned me to the Communications Unit under his office. Being a management type, I know zip about media and public relations. But a flash back of an HSBC advertisement hit me: successful managers focus on what they are good at and let the experts handle the rest. And we did have experts -- policy adviser, writers, researchers, media and public relations officers, communications officers.

Unfortunately, before we can set into motion plans that will evenly spread responsibilities, our policy adviser, the brain of the entire unit's operation, had to go on vacation.

Since then, we had to rely on each other keep up with the standard previously set. This required me to learn things I am not entirely good at.

I admit I am an amiable person. I always smile from the time I leave for work until the time I meet the heavy traffic on my way home. And if media and public relations would mean lots of warm friendly smiles, I might have done well. But no. This is an entirely new ball game.

In the "relations" business, you can't get away with just a smile. You will need to do something. You will need to hold on to something (a-get-away-from-jail-free-card so my friend the policy adviser had said). Thanks to him, I had a few -- read minuscule -- ideas of what needs to be done.

Among the things I have learned are the following:

1. When misquoted, call up the person/reporter/media outfit that misquoted you and correct them.
2. When you missed a reporter's call, call back immediately and ask what is needed.
3. If you are asked a question, tell them you will get them in touch with someone who knows the answer.
4. If you do not know the answer, don't speculate, refer to #3.
5. If you "think" you know the answer, ask the reporter if you could call back to confirm what you know from someone who really knows.
6. If that someone who really knows is open for an interview, ask if you could give his/her number to the reporter and do so.
7. If you "really think" you know the answer, quote someone who gave that answer in verbatim.
8. If you know the answer by heart, refer to #7.
9. If the event being held needs updating, organize a press conference not later than 1:00pm. Print reporters need to file their reports before 2:00pm.
10. Always let the reporters assigned to gather news from your office -- aka beat reporters -- know the news first hand before any other random reporters get in touch with your office.

That's it for now. More to come as I learn more.

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