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Saturday, September 8, 2007

Internet security tips

Here are a few tips I picked up here and there on Internet security.

1. Always make sure that the "padlock" icon is visible on your browser. This padlock can be usually seen at the bottom-right portion of the browser window. This icon can also be found near the address box. The address box is where you usually type-in the name of the website or what is called the URL.

2. Before logging in to your account, always look for a link that says "using public computer" or something similar. Some websites provide this option to provide additional security for the user.

3. For Yahoo! users, the log-in interface allows the user to choose a picture from the user's files. The chosen picture will show on the log-in box signifying that the site is authentic and that it is secure.

4. Do not -- DO NOT -- always click "OK" whenever a window pops-up. Read the message first. If your action results to that pop-up, still take some time to read it thoroughly. Some browsers inquire if you trust the security certificate of the site you are opening especially if that site's security certificate has lapsed.

5. If you do not trust the site, try to see where the link will take you before clicking it. Place your mouse on the link until the arrow turns to a finger pointing at that link. At the bottom left portion of the browser window, you will find there the address where you will be taken.

6. Keep out of porn sites. Specially the unpopular ones. You can install a virus or trojan on your computer by just clicking the link.

7. When opening your email, be careful when opening attachments. I usually shy away from attachments with file extensions other than .jpg, .gif, .tff, 3gpp, other office files (.doc, .xls). Even if the email sender is your close friend, read their message first. If the message contains something that your friend does not usually send, avoid opening the attachments. Always try to avoid the .gfx, .vbs., and .exe files.

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